
Showing posts from May, 2023

Lebenswelt; Sozialwelt; Eigenwelt; Mitwelt; Weltanschauung

 Me:  are there other terms similar to umwelt, umgebung and innerwelt to be considered in thinking about these ideas? ChatGPT Yes, there are other terms that can be considered when thinking about these ideas and expanding our understanding of the interplay between self and the world. Here are a few additional concepts: Lebenswelt: This German term refers to the lifeworld or the world as experienced and interpreted by individuals. It encompasses the everyday experiences, beliefs, values, and social interactions that shape one's perception of reality. Lebenswelt emphasizes the subjective experience of individuals within their socio-cultural context. Sozialwelt: Translating to "social world" in English, Sozialwelt focuses on the social dimensions of human experience. It encompasses the relationships, institutions, norms, and dynamics within a given social context that shape one's sense of self and interaction with others. Eigenwelt: This term, rooted in German philosophy

Reflections on Self and Other: Embracing Paradoxes

This is not a poem, nor is it written by a human... it is the output of GPT4 when I first asked it to write odes to A) Umwelt; B) Umgebung; C) Innerwelt and then to reflect on the paradoxes and dualities of self-other in that regard: Reflections on Self and Other: Embracing Paradoxes In the intricate tapestry of existence, a dance unfolds between the realms of self and other, where dualities and paradoxes intertwine. Within the realm of Umwelt, individual perceptions shape our understanding of the world. Each of us holds a unique lens through which we interpret our surroundings, yet within these boundaries, we feel an inherent yearning for connection with others. It is the paradox of embracing our own distinctiveness while recognizing the shared humanity that binds us. Umgebung, the stage upon which life plays out, encompasses diverse landscapes and environments. Mountains, rivers, cities, and forests create a multitude of Umgebungen, each offering a distinct backdrop for our individua

Dancing the Innenwelt at the Umgebung

Dancing the Innenwelt at the Umgebung Umwelten, Umwelten Wherefore art though, Umwelten? I am here, I am there, I am everywhere... I am, after all, all that there is   but for you, a tiny zen window into the multiverse Umwelt becomes Innenwelt your Umwelt, my Umgebung undt vice-versa   perched on hard chairs in an auditorium among thousands. A sea of gray hair, long yellowed teeth, bright eyes and bowed shuffles phones muted and hearing aids on high cybernetics insert themselves   We stare at the dull big screen, projecting the conversationalists below. We hear their amplified voices surrounded by speakers as tall as any of us   later, a line of people to meet the author maybe snag a signature sniff him take his hand in yours feel the heat, the texture is it firm? clammy?   the author wears a breathing mask as do you. We keep our microbiome to ourselves our umwelt is our ballroom Steve Smith Otowi, NM May 2023 Author's note: This in r