
The Poets of Everything

 A small group of poets (published, unpublished and aspiring) have been meeting weekly this year for a Sunday afternoon Salon to create and  share our writing and give one another assignments and prompts and good feedback. This blog is here to try to chronicle this work and as we disperse into the Springtime and the tasks and travels it encourages, it is here to help us continue in a virtual mode. The title of the Blog "The Never Ending Poem" was inspired by a collection by our most published member - Mary Strong Jackson and her collection of Poems by the same title:  " The Never-Ending Poem by the Poets of Everything ". 

We Shall Know our Vascularity

  We Shall Know our Vascularity The complexity of vascular networks varies across and within organisms to meet the different metabolic needs of the tissues § The bodybuilder wants his veins to be prominent so we know how lean she is how hard they worked out today this week, this year, this lifetime The sequoia draws water from the tips of its roots to the pores of its leaves transpiration osmosis cohesion-tension capillarity water becomes sap becomes water again ...

Lebenswelt; Sozialwelt; Eigenwelt; Mitwelt; Weltanschauung

 Me:  are there other terms similar to umwelt, umgebung and innerwelt to be considered in thinking about these ideas? ChatGPT Yes, there are other terms that can be considered when thinking about these ideas and expanding our understanding of the interplay between self and the world. Here are a few additional concepts: Lebenswelt: This German term refers to the lifeworld or the world as experienced and interpreted by individuals. It encompasses the everyday experiences, beliefs, values, and social interactions that shape one's perception of reality. Lebenswelt emphasizes the subjective experience of individuals within their socio-cultural context. Sozialwelt: Translating to "social world" in English, Sozialwelt focuses on the social dimensions of human experience. It encompasses the relationships, institutions, norms, and dynamics within a given social context that shape one's sense of self and interaction with others. Eigenwelt: This term, rooted in German philosophy...

Reflections on Self and Other: Embracing Paradoxes

This is not a poem, nor is it written by a human... it is the output of GPT4 when I first asked it to write odes to A) Umwelt; B) Umgebung; C) Innerwelt and then to reflect on the paradoxes and dualities of self-other in that regard: Reflections on Self and Other: Embracing Paradoxes In the intricate tapestry of existence, a dance unfolds between the realms of self and other, where dualities and paradoxes intertwine. Within the realm of Umwelt, individual perceptions shape our understanding of the world. Each of us holds a unique lens through which we interpret our surroundings, yet within these boundaries, we feel an inherent yearning for connection with others. It is the paradox of embracing our own distinctiveness while recognizing the shared humanity that binds us. Umgebung, the stage upon which life plays out, encompasses diverse landscapes and environments. Mountains, rivers, cities, and forests create a multitude of Umgebungen, each offering a distinct backdrop for our individua...

Dancing the Innenwelt at the Umgebung

Dancing the Innenwelt at the Umgebung Umwelten, Umwelten Wherefore art though, Umwelten? I am here, I am there, I am everywhere... I am, after all, all that there is   but for you, a tiny zen window into the multiverse Umwelt becomes Innenwelt your Umwelt, my Umgebung undt vice-versa   perched on hard chairs in an auditorium among thousands. A sea of gray hair, long yellowed teeth, bright eyes and bowed shuffles phones muted and hearing aids on high cybernetics insert themselves   We stare at the dull big screen, projecting the conversationalists below. We hear their amplified voices surrounded by speakers as tall as any of us   later, a line of people to meet the author maybe snag a signature sniff him take his hand in yours feel the heat, the texture is it firm? clammy?   the author wears a breathing mask as do you. We keep our microbiome to ourselves our umwelt is our ballroom Steve Smith Otowi, NM May 2023 Autho...

Curly Black Bit of Doggerel

Curly Black Bit of Doggerel Little dog, little dog Curley Sue Malarkey   Wag, bite, run, chew, sleep   Little dog, little dog I can hardly see your eyes maul the cat, maul the cat   What do I know? Stupid Human!   March 2023 Otowi, NM

5 Road Odes and a Song of Despair

5 Road Poems (5 Aspirations) and a Song of Despair      a nod to Pablo Neruda Ode to the Open Road Open Road!  You call me Locked down for over a year Behind my mask Afraid to breathe others' breath     to touch what they had touched We traded the silver screen     for a big screen        or a small screen          or a tiny screen Now we go back the righteous windscreen     and roadsigns     Interstates     byways     flat horizons     rumble strips     diner coffee     local AM stations          storm warnings         piglets, quilt-scraps, and firewood              for trade     NPR everywhere         Amy and Terry and Ira and Christiana...

Life Line

a tether uncoiling here taut there slack in déjà vu loops not pushed with will but drawn haphazard on walls through doors across the worn smooth floors of years in slippery umbilical time tying together beginning and end - Richard Krasin 2021