We Shall Know our Vascularity
We Shall Know our Vascularity
The bodybuilder wants his veins to be prominentThe complexity of vascular networks varies across and within organisms to meet the different metabolic needs of the tissues §
so we know how lean she is
how hard they worked out today
this week, this year, this lifetime
The sequoia draws water
from the tips of its roots
to the pores of its leaves
water becomes sap
becomes water again
nutrients and minerals flow
extract, deliver, deposit
don't forget
their mycorrhizal network
tying them together
delivering micronutrients
and warnings
or the food web tying
a deep network of
krill and crustacea
ichtyol and cephalopod
eaten by salmon
who must spawn
the bears who gorge on them
and then shit nutrients
onto the forest floor
not to mention the Pope
The industrial world extrudes tendrils of
roads and shipping routes
hubs and spokes of airlines
communications networks
to move commodities
atoms and bits and bobs
extract, deliver, exude
Life is that which wills to live
amongst that which wills to live
defying gravity
reversing entropy
order and chaos convolved
§ O’Connor, C., Brady, E., Zheng, Y. et al. Engineering the multiscale complexity of vascular networks. Nat Rev Mater 7, 702–716 (2022)
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