"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

This stanza was to be for you
     a sunny affirmation to shine through foggy doubt
but last night she climbed into my dreams to play
     hide and seek with moony memory
     tumble with my rhyme and meter
     then chose to stay in quilts and pillows
     leave me here to blush and fumble empty headed
but she's still there just waiting to be led to daylight
     to meet you and hand you my words

She places words into my hand
I fear clasping too hard, but if the boulders of memory
tickle my palms, I may loosen letters letting them fall
between crevices or into wells where women
chant songs of enticement promising  
the good luck of a copper penny wish
with this closed palm of words, I choose a path
to pass into the inescapable landscapes of love and sorrow
in unforeseen measure              and wild  wild metaphors 

We arrive 
believing in the drama of our lives
but we are dancers between acts
who kick their way across the stage
a brief time tapping our way through the lights
helping the audience pass the time between
the main and ancient show

Dreaming of thoughtful snakes
coming through the slatsf my bed frame, 
I am afraid, not Eve-like whose bite
cast her and all after out of paradise,
so the story goes,
but what would we
do with all this glory and no pain    
and we continue wondering
     riverbeds of implication
sleepy stanzas blinking in the light
     straining to see the relation
          of logic to passion
          of seconds to centuries

what can it mean
     that my upraised hand blocks out
           a thousand million stars
          each with their own world of poets

We wander about,
    not aimlessly
    in our metaphoric landscapes
Rivers made of eddies of thought 
    dragging boulders of memory
    through gravel beds of experience
    and dreams of doubt
Weaving the warp and weft
    with the rhyme and meter
    of love and sorrow
             into the comfort
    of our anticipated arrival

Can it be

there is a place          
to be touched 
stirred as if with a spoon
that creates an eddy    that swirls open    the place where sorrow
and love interchange parts     yet always fit

a place
one must pass through to arrive

She places words into my hand
I fear clasping too hard, but if the boulders of memory
tickle my palms, I may loosen letters letting them fall
between crevices or into wells where women
chant songs of enticement promising  
the good luck of a copper penny wish
with this closed palm of words, I choose a path
to pass into the inescapable landscapes of love and sorrow
in unforeseen measure              and wild  wild metaphors 

We began this journey, 
wanting to re-wild our words
we masticated our metaphors, 
abstracted our allegories
building songlines 
criss-crossing our inner landscapes
wayfinding through the known and  unknown
landmarks and wear marks au natural

and we continue wondering
     riverbeds of implication
sleepy stanzas blinking in the light
     straining to see the relation
          of logic to passion
          of seconds to centuries

what can it mean
     that my upraised hand blocks out
           a thousand million stars
          each with their own world of poets

Can it be there are no secret truths or slippery paths
all we need do is slide out of our protective covers
unloose the bag we’ve carried since
those first steps, erase those “no no’s”
forget if our story is a life or our life is a story
be the next plain gray rock or weird shaped
Do we sneak up on our truths
    or do we stand casually looking away
    while they sneak up on us?
Or is it more about forgetting
    unlearning all that was taught to us
    let go of the righteous and sacred
In favor of whatever dust motes 
    of reality land in our hands
    when we are very, very still?
Life is what happens while we are making other plans
    what is it with all of our intentionality?
are we human be-ings 
    or human becomings?
how much is enough?
    just this much?
in baseball, they call it "the Big Show"
in the Circus, "the Big Top"
New Orleans is "the Big Easy"
juxtaposed with NYC's "Big Apple"
are all these superlatives just a way
to pass over the minutiae 
which are our lives
fairy gardens in the mountains nestled betwixt stones
            we look up at the loudest 
while we step over whole worlds  

the full body stretch of the preemie baby 
lasting dozens of long flowing slow seconds 
her fists the size of small walnuts   her toe buds curling  
in the minutiae, a glance to see a set of brows
dart together than apart showing two
opposite reactions  one sincere     one safe 

80 circles around a blah blah star in a ho hum galaxy
feels like a lifetime
a barefoot toddler pees on mom's flowers
to kill the weeds
a full of himself adolescent strikes out
to find himself 
a midlife sketches a young woman
to become his companion 
a busy universe, for no special reason decides
to provide the old man
with a comfortable life

I want a coming of age story at 65,
no bucket list baloney    unless ,
the bucket comes with holes to slip
through and be washed from --
arriving in a circle of cucumbers 
lush cool, seedy green-ness,
in the splas of a whale's tail
or riding the sails of a rose-breasted
gross-beak's song.

"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

We Arrive - *another* poem in multiple voices

Moony Memory - A poem in several voices

Can it be
there is a place          
to be touched 
stirred as if with a spoon
that creates an eddy    that swirls open    the place where sorrow
and love interchange parts     yet always fit

a place
one must pass through to arrive

This stanza was to be for you
     a sunny affirmation to shine through foggy doubt
but last night she climbed into my dreams to play
     hide and seek with moony memory
     tumble with my rhyme and meter
     then chose to stay in quilts and pillows
     leave me here to blush and fumble empty headed
but she's still there just waiting to be led to daylight
     to meet you and hand you my words

We wander about,
    not aimlessly
    in our metaphoric landscapes
Rivers made of eddies of thought 
    dragging boulders of memory
    through gravel beds of experience
    and dreams of doubt
Weaving the warp and weft
    with the rhyme and meter
    of love and sorrow
             into the comfort
    of our anticipated arrival

We began this journey, 
wanting to re-wild our words
we masticated our metaphors, 
abstracted our allegories
building songlines 
criss-crossing our inner landscapes
wayfinding through the known and  unknown
landmarks and wear marks au natural

and we continue wondering
     riverbeds of implication
sleepy stanzas blinking in the light
     straining to see the relation
          of logic to passion
          of seconds to centuries

what can it mean
     that my upraised hand blocks out
           a thousand million stars
          each with their own world of poets

Can it be there are no secret truths or slippery paths
all we need do is slide out of our protective covers
unloose the bag we’ve carried since
those first steps, erase those “no no’s”
forget if our story is a life or our life is a story
be the next plain gray rock or weird shaped

Do we sneak up on our truths
    or do we stand casually looking away
    while they sneak up on us?
Or is it more about forgetting
    unlearning all that was taught to us
    let go of the righteous and sacred
In favor of whatever dust motes 
    of reality land in our hands
    when we are very, very still?


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